Chairman’s AGM Report
I am pleased to present my 5th report as Chairman of the Riesling Trail Management Committee. Every year is different, with new achievements and challenges. One thing in common is the desire for the Riesling Trail to continue to be an iconic feature of the region with flow on benefits to the community. This involves maintaining the trail to a high standard and developing further facilities to enhance the Riesling Trail experience ……
Click here to read Chairman Allan Mayfield’s complete AGM Report, held on 16th November 2017
Feature in Wine Selectors
Great publicity for, not only the Riesling Trail but also some of our Business Partners and Business Friends.
Follow the link for the full article: :
‘Of sheep and vines’ – Bungaree Station celebrates 175th anniversary
Bungaree Station comenorated its 175th anniversary with a barrow relay ‘Of sheep and vines” attracting a large crowd as it travelled along The Riesling Trail from Sevenhill to Barinia then onto Bungaree.
The event was a re-enactment of a similar trek 175 years ago to collect vine vuttings from Sevenhill Cellars for planting at Bungaree and highlighted the important role the station played in the development of the district.
Pictured: Charlotte Stewart, George Hawker holding Angus Stewart, Vicky Stewart of Bungaree Station and Sal Hawker at the sheep sculptures on The Riesling Trail [photo: Sue Wurst].
Monster Raffle Draw results
The Monster Wine Raffle was drawn tonight and here is a list of all the winners, many congratulations to all, and thanks to the very generous donations from the Winemakers to make it such a successful event.
1. 16 doz mixed Wine Chris Ranger Tkt 1827. bought at Cogwebs Hub Cafe, Bicycle Hire & Information Outlet
2. 8 doz mixed Wine. Max & Nadia Lorenzin Tkt 243 bought at Tim Adams
3. 5 doz mixed Wine Tony Worthington Tkt 3515 bought at Mathies Meat
4. 3 doz mixed Wine Wendy Roshan. Tkt 4681 bought at Sevenhill Cellars
5. 2 dox mixed Wine Sue Basso Tkt 2306 bought at Annies Lane
6,7,8,9,10 1 doz mixed Wine
Tkt 2654 Craig Hill bought at Peter Wood’s house
Tkt 4288 Graham Trengove bought by Monica Trengove
Tkt 0490 Tony Williams bought at Clare Valley Wine, Food & Tourism Centre
Tkt 0295 Rosemary McDowell bought at Tim Adams
Tkt 1306 Tasma Rodda bought at Annies Lane