The new ‘Cyclist Sculpture’ by Paul Leditschke is now firmly installed (using 4 bags of concrete) next to the Riesling Trail (north of Sevenhill) for those passing by to admire.
John Wilson’s book ‘The Riesling Railway’
click here for John Wilson’s Newsletter No. 9 and banking details.
John has asked the Riesling Trail to alert our members and business partners that he will cease taking orders for the book in 2 weeks. He is only printing enough copies to meet orders. There is a quantity that has been allocated to the National Railway Museum for their “Back to Clare” event on 7th/8th July. Depending on how sales of that stock goes on that weekend will determine if he will be able to supply late requests. The price from the NRM bookshop will be $110. By ordering now our members will be sure of getting a copy. $95 pre-publication price includes pick up or delivery within the Clare Valley. For the next two weekends there will be a proof copy of the book for inspection at the Wilson Vineyard at Polish Hill River. Email John on if you need more information.
Kilikanoon Wines – Clare Classic Sponsorship
Riesling Trail Business Partner Kilikanoon Wines is a proud sponsor of the Clare Classic on April 8 2018. Visit their Cellar Door in the Clare Valley.
Chairman’s AGM Report
I am pleased to present my 5th report as Chairman of the Riesling Trail Management Committee. Every year is different, with new achievements and challenges. One thing in common is the desire for the Riesling Trail to continue to be an iconic feature of the region with flow on benefits to the community. This involves maintaining the trail to a high standard and developing further facilities to enhance the Riesling Trail experience ……
Click here to read Chairman Allan Mayfield’s complete AGM Report, held on 16th November 2017
Feature in Wine Selectors
Great publicity for, not only the Riesling Trail but also some of our Business Partners and Business Friends.
Follow the link for the full article: :