Melbourne Cup 2024

Pictured are Allan Mayfield, Sue Wurst, John Letts 2 x cup winning jockety, Peter Wood, Penny Pratt MP, Di Hood and Sue Mayfield.

Sunday 22 Sept 2024 … Bev Bertelsmeir

What a thrill to be involved with the Lexus Melbourne Cup tour held on a beautifully sunny day in Clare today. Our local radio Stations 5CS/5AU and Magic 105.9 have been long time supporters of the racing club for near 30 years. Melbourne Cup winning jockey John Letts also keeps us in the loop  on air, with Tipping with Lettsy every Friday afternoon.

Clare Valley Racing Club was selected as one of 39 destinations world wide to welcome the iconic trophy for 2024.

The tour also means Clare is included in the National Sweep, a charity initiative which sees 24 Rural and Regional towns allocated a “barrier” for the actual race in November.

Representatives from each destination will be flown to Melbourne to watch the Race that stops a Nation. The town which draws the barrier of the winning horse will be presented with a cash prize of $50,000 to go to their charity of choice.

Today the  Cup started at the picturesque Clare Valley race course, moved on to our local nursing home “Carinya”,  ( John did mention a few marriage proposals being offered to him) then to the Riesling Trail, a stop in at the Clare Valley Visitors Centre and finishing off the days events at Greg Cooley Wines.

With the Jim Barry Clare Valley Cup, Sunday 1st Dec, The new Twilight meeting Friday 14th Feb (Valentines Day) and the spectacular Easter Saturday Meeting. The Clare Valley Racing Club have a lot to look forward to…..and do yourself a favour. Please join the locals at the Clare Valley Race Course at any events.

Snake Season approaching

When walking your dog on the Riesling Trail in the next few months please make sure you have them on a leash so they don’t go wandering and come across a snake. Most snake bites will, unfortunately, kill a dog. Cats can survive a snake bite if taken to the Vets straight away.

Notice of 2022 AGM

The AGM of the Riesling Trail Management Committee will be held on

Thursday October 13th at 7.00 pm

at The Bentley’s Hotel, Clare

Guest Speaker will be Renee Thompson, Crown Lands

“Land tenure and the Riesling Trail”

Refreshments and a light supper will follow.

Nominations for the new committee (signed by proposer and seconder) are to be received by Sue Wurst 0408 890 257 or Allan Mayfield 0418 818569 by Thursday 6th October.  Please contact these people for the nomination forms.

Enquiries can also be made to Allan Mayfield

Riesling Trail AGM

AGM will be on Thursday 14th October at 7pm at the Madonna Hall, Sevenhill.
Our guest speaker, John Ruwolt, will give us an abridged version of the history of the Riesling Trail and this will be followed by our traditional refreshments.

New additions to the Riesling Trail

  1. Allan Mayfield, John Dickeson and Ron Wurst installing the
    Polish Hill River sign on Jolly Way.
    [Road to Mintaro, where the Polish Hill River Church and Museum are located].
  2. New bench/seat at the edge of Riesling trail, south of Showgrounds at the gate used by the parkrun event. Thank you for the photo Linley May.