Wheelchair Access on the Riesling Trail

We would consider that all of the Riesling Trail is suitable for an electric wheelchair, except perhaps for a short steeper section just south of the York Road crossing in Clare.  Otherwise, the maximum slope is 1.5% (see attached map).

The surface is a fine quarry sand which has a crown (for water run-off) which would be suitable for a wheel chair. There are many access points, most with a car park, at Auburn, Mulkiri Road, Watervale Station (northern end), College Road (Sevenhill) – entrance to car park is under the archway on the northern side of College Road just before the trail crossing – and in Clare at the southern end of Station Road, the northern end of Station Road (the Riesling Trail Lennon Street Park) and at the sheep sculpture 500m further north at the York Road crossing.  You can also access the trail at the northern end (at Barinia) and midway from Clare to Barina at the Hubbe Road crossing.

Posted in Along the Riesling Trail.