‘Of sheep and vines’ – Bungaree Station celebrates 175th anniversary

Bungaree Station comenorated its 175th anniversary with a barrow relay ‘Of sheep and vines” attracting a large crowd as it travelled along The Riesling Trail from Sevenhill to Barinia then onto Bungaree.

The event was a re-enactment of a similar trek 175 years ago to collect vine vuttings from Sevenhill Cellars for planting at Bungaree and highlighted the important role the station played in the development of the district.

Pictured: Charlotte Stewart, George Hawker holding Angus Stewart, Vicky Stewart of Bungaree Station and Sal Hawker at the sheep sculptures on The Riesling Trail [photo: Sue Wurst].

At the sheep

At the sheep sculptures on the Riesling Trail

boiling the billy

Boiling the Billy

The wheel barrow arriving at Bungaree

The wheel barrow arriving at Bungaree


Posted in Events.