The Monica McInerney Statue Opening at the Riesling Trail.

Local artist Paul Leditschke was commissioned to create a sculpture depicting international author and Clare girl, Monica McInerney, as her 10 year old self lost in a ‘cauldron of words’ on the roof of her childhood home, the Station Master’s House. Monica flew ‘home’ especially for this auspicious occasion. She now resides in Ireland.

Allan Mayfield, Chairman, was awarded an Honorary Friend Forever Certificate

Last night the Riesling Trail had their AGM at the Bentley’s Hotel where Allan Mayfield, Chairman received a very well-earned Certificate for his outstanding commitment to the Riesling Trail. Well done Allan. Certificate presented by Mark Hill, Vice Chairman.The guest speaker was Renee Thompson from Crown Lands speaking about ‘Land tenure and the Riesling Trail’.Also present was Penny Pratt, Member for Frome, Dr Helen Macdonald, CEO and Mayor Wayne Thomas and our wonderful sponsors. Thank you all for attending.

Notice of 2022 AGM

The AGM of the Riesling Trail Management Committee will be held on

Thursday October 13th at 7.00 pm

at The Bentley’s Hotel, Clare

Guest Speaker will be Renee Thompson, Crown Lands

“Land tenure and the Riesling Trail”

Refreshments and a light supper will follow.

Nominations for the new committee (signed by proposer and seconder) are to be received by Sue Wurst 0408 890 257 or Allan Mayfield 0418 818569 by Thursday 6th October.  Please contact these people for the nomination forms.

Enquiries can also be made to Allan Mayfield

New Memorial Seat

A new seat was installed next to the Riesling Trail south of Sevenhill.

It is in memory of Midge Wallace from the Cameron-Hill family.

In the photo is Allan Mayfield, Bill Stuchbery, Jeannie Mills and Ron Sandercock.

New sculpture at the Showground

Yesterday Riesling Trail friends gathered at the Showgrounds to ‘unveil’ the newest sculpture on the Riesling Trail by Paul Leditschke.

CEO of the Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council Dr Helen Macdonald and Mayor Wayne Thomas were present.

Also thank you to our Chairman Allan Mayfield, Treasurer Peter Wood and Sue Wurst for their organisation.