Wheelchair Access on the Riesling Trail

We would consider that all of the Riesling Trail is suitable for an electric wheelchair, except perhaps for a short steeper section just south of the York Road crossing in Clare.  Otherwise, the maximum slope is 1.5% (see attached map).

The surface is a fine quarry sand which has a crown (for water run-off) which would be suitable for a wheel chair. There are many access points, most with a car park, at Auburn, Mulkiri Road, Watervale Station (northern end), College Road (Sevenhill) – entrance to car park is under the archway on the northern side of College Road just before the trail crossing – and in Clare at the southern end of Station Road, the northern end of Station Road (the Riesling Trail Lennon Street Park) and at the sheep sculpture 500m further north at the York Road crossing.  You can also access the trail at the northern end (at Barinia) and midway from Clare to Barina at the Hubbe Road crossing.

New Clare Railway Station Sign

The Clare Railway Station was built on this site as part of the Riverton to Spalding Railway line. It was opened on July 4, 1918 and cost 629 pounds.

In 1923 , both station and platform were relocated to the western side of the railway lines.

The closure of the Railway Line began in 1973 and operations ceased in 1985. The station buildings were demolished in 1989.

Thank you to Liam at Clare Signs for the wonderful job of creating the Sign and thank you to our Riesling Trail volunteers, Allan, Tony, Larn, Di for erecting it.

The new seat and shelter next to the bridge on the Riesling Trail at Auburn.

Opened on 23 August following U3A Coffee and Chat morning tea in the CWA Clubrooms at Auburn.

Shelter donated by Stephanie Toole, Mount Horrocks Wines and seat by U3A Coffee & Chat group.

Shelter designed by Mace Engineering, made by Clare Metal Fabrications and site preparation by JC Gill.  Installed by Steve Hadley (CMF), the team from JC Gill as well as Trevor Mace, Doug May and Allan Mayfield.


Stephanie Toole (left) and Allan Mayfield (4th from left) with members of the U3A Lower North Coffee & Chat group.

Stephanie Toole

Allan Mayfield (Chairman, Riesling Trail Committee, Stephanie Toole (Mt Horrocks Wines & Doreen Hill (Leader, U3A Coffee & Chat group)

Allan Mayfield (left), Doreen Hill, Stephanie Toole & Sue Mayfield with members of the U3A Coffee & Chat group

The Monica McInerney Statue Opening at the Riesling Trail.

Local artist Paul Leditschke was commissioned to create a sculpture depicting international author and Clare girl, Monica McInerney, as her 10 year old self lost in a ‘cauldron of words’ on the roof of her childhood home, the Station Master’s House. Monica flew ‘home’ especially for this auspicious occasion. She now resides in Ireland.

New Memorial Seat

A new seat was installed next to the Riesling Trail south of Sevenhill.

It is in memory of Midge Wallace from the Cameron-Hill family.

In the photo is Allan Mayfield, Bill Stuchbery, Jeannie Mills and Ron Sandercock.

New sculpture at the Showground

Yesterday Riesling Trail friends gathered at the Showgrounds to ‘unveil’ the newest sculpture on the Riesling Trail by Paul Leditschke.

CEO of the Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council Dr Helen Macdonald and Mayor Wayne Thomas were present.

Also thank you to our Chairman Allan Mayfield, Treasurer Peter Wood and Sue Wurst for their organisation.